Literature review afterthoughts
Having spent the past 2 weeks drafting my literature review for my Design Research module, I managed to explore my research area through academic texts. I found that there were a few people who had at least researched into areas relating to my own and it felt encouraging to know that more people than I realised cared about the same issues. My research question is: How can South Asian representation be authentically implemented in fantasy video games? Although I thoroughly enjoyed reading the relevant texts I chose to compare and critique, writing the review itself was an uphill struggle. I found that I had lots of points to make but not all of them relevant to my research question, and initially I had over 4000 words of notes (the word limit being 2000). Editing was therefore my worse nightmare. Also, there were a few times I contemplated changing my research question so I could write about a different topic I was interested in (!) I won't go into that too much... Overall,...