Literature review afterthoughts

Having spent the past 2 weeks drafting my literature review for my Design Research module, I managed to explore my research area through academic texts. I found that there were a few people who had at least researched into areas relating to my own and it felt encouraging to know that more people than I realised cared about the same issues. My research question is: How can South Asian representation be authentically implemented in fantasy video games?

Although I thoroughly enjoyed reading the relevant texts I chose to compare and critique, writing the review itself was an uphill struggle. I found that I had lots of points to make but not all of them relevant to my research question, and initially I had over 4000 words of notes (the word limit being 2000). Editing was therefore my worse nightmare. Also, there were a few times I contemplated changing my research question so I could write about a different topic I was interested in (!) I won't go into that too much...

Overall, I did enjoy having the opportunity to write a literature review as I was able to not only critique other's work but understand their perspective and how it can be implemented into my own work. I realised that ethnic minorities are heavily stereotyped in video games much more than I anticipated (and I already knew it was bad) and was able to learn more about the patterns of cultural depiction that is rife in fantasy and strategy war games. Analysing the power dynamics that play out in these types of video games was so fascinating and I can only hope that my review clearly lays it out and provides a well thought out critical analysis. 

From my review research I realised that many players who use video games for escapism often do not consider 'why' they want escapism, only caring that it exists. This was especially hard hitting as my literature review looks at ethnic minorities who wish to also find escapism in video games find they cannot do so as the video game environment mirrors their real-life struggles. On a final note, I leave this quote related to video game escapism (due to word limit I had to leave this quote out of the final text, so I am including it here):

"players did not really care to escape from the social problems of material life as much as, perhaps, the unfair, real-life dimensions of these problems." 

- Leigh Schwartz in Fantasy, Realism, and the Other


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