Blogging gap
Before I talk about my work I want to address the lack of posts since my previous one. In all honesty, this semester has been pretty difficult for me. Ever since lockdown came into action I've felt this way and still I wonder how I managed to finish semester 2 (although perhaps it was because I had already completed more than half of it in uni). Anyway, with semester 3 this wasn't the case as I started it and had to complete it all the way through lockdown. I was lucky that I could use my drawing equipment at home but not being able to go into studio took a massive hit on my productivity. I was used to going to studio 4 days a week and whenever I was at uni (the physical space) I was able to focus and work all day. Being at home during a pandemic wasn't quite the same and I did struggle with motivation as my mood was low and my eczema flared up a lot over the summer for a number of reasons (stress, environment, weather, temperature changes etc.) so at times it was quite hard to work as I was in pain a lot. I'm sure a lot of students have had difficulties managing this semester but I wanted to mention this for myself as this blog is about putting down my thoughts and feelings. Honestly I didn't feel up to writing much either which is why I haven't updated for a while. I hope the work that will appear in the next post will interest you (whoever may be reading this) and that you can see what I've been up to this semester.
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