Concepting Mehr Part 2

Finishing the last nine images of Mehr took longer than expected, but rather than spending more time on each image (in fact I spent less time on each one in comparison to the first nine), other plans simply got in the way of time I spent drawing. Anyway, I was able to finish them to make a total of 18 images. (I'm sure Jim would be happy that I managed to finish one of his tasks.)

I tried a different approach to the first 9 as there wasn't really a clear structure to getting them done in a quick, effective way.  The poses I used this time are all from This time round I chose to sketch all 9 poses first before doing any line art/colouring. I thought this would help as I could focus on one stage at a time and do them quickly. I wanted to see if this was more effective than my previous pattern of sketching, line art, colour, sketching, line art, colour etc. (i.e. not focusing on one pose until completion before trying to sketch out the next pose). The following is my drawing process:


Line art



I chose to use a flat style for the colour instead of shading to make it easier to finish and quicker to do. Therefore I was forced to use bright, vibrant colours which portrayed the style and design of each outfit. Personally I found the hair the hardest part to draw and colour as it is the least familiar part to me, that is I don't give as much attention to depicting hair when I draw, which is true for me in both traditional and digital art. At least this is something I have picked up on so from now on I can practise drawing hair more. 

When I talked to Jim yesterday during tutorial he set me the task of creating a character design from scratch within a week. Practising with different styles in my first character (Edelgard) and then concepting a character from a book that didn't have a visual appearance (Mehr) has I guess given me an idea of what it means to concept a character. I have to now push myself to come up with a character myself which I can concept and create a workable design for 3D modellers.


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