Street View, Colour Schemes and Finished Maya Model
Due to illness I have been unable to post here recently, however I will recap on the work I managed to do in the past 2 weeks. Firstly, I have been developing upon my 'street view' of the South Asian fantasy world. I believe in the terms 'South Asian' and 'fantasy' there is a heavy emphasis on the colour used in order to make these terms believable. Fantasy is to push the boundaries of reality into the surreal, and I believe it is my role to create a convincing fantasy to the viewer. I have started to do this with the use of language on signage (in this particular image I am using Urdu, a language I know and therefore can verify its meaning). As an additional note, I wish to continue with this 'street view' perspective and create different environments of my fantasy world which incorporate class structure (wealthy/poor) reflected in its different architectural styles, clothing, food etc.
I have started on my colour study test by separating colour schemes into a binary architectural system of 'european' and 'asian' for ease so to reduce the number of choices for the testers to pick (getting people to identify a particular country's architecture may be too difficult/time-consuming). Also, this will help clarify my notion that people subscribe vague notions of culture to environments based on a number of factors (with colour being the factor I am using). I hope from doing this that I can find out 1. whether my colour coding into styles was right and 2. how to use colour as a major component in influencing the environment. I am looking forward to creating the images in the next week or so.
With the additional time to catch up on work, I was able to work on Maya a lot more. This time I managed to complete the weapon model on Maya as seen below. From doing this activity I came to realise some limitations of 3D modelling as there were times when I had to move away from the concept art reference in order to create a believable model. From this I was able to understand that when finalising concept art I should be conscious of whether the design, although may look good in 2D, can be modelled in 3D.
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