3D Character Modelling

After researching the essential/desirable skills for a concept artist in gaming, I found that although 2D skills were necessary, a lot of jobs required knowledge of a 3D modelling software. From my experience in architecture I had previously used Maya to create a mask for building forms, therefore I've chosen to improve my modelling skills in Maya and hopefully by the end of year have a good level of proficiency in it. 

From watching the tutorials Josh sent me, I started to model a weapon as a way to get familiar with the tools and create quick forms using a reference: 

I have found it a lot easier than I expected to get used to the manipulation tools. This method starts with a form most similar to the shape you want (in this case a cuboid) and manipulating vertexes to follow the reference image. This is pretty similar to how I created my building forms in my architecture degree but whereas I self-taught myself back then, I found it helpful to watch the tutorials as I learnt about new shortcuts for keys, the importance of setting up edges and the focus on drawing out a rough outline first before adding in detail.


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