About me

What skills do you bring?

Before joining the MA course I completed a BSc in Architecture. From this degree I have gained a design and structural knowledge of buildings and how they work within context of a site/environment. I am familiar with the stages of conception to completion and understand the processes of concept design, technical design and construction in relation to architecture. I have a traditional art background as well as being able to produce technical drawings on AutoCAD whilst using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for conceptual art. 

What interests you?

I enjoy fantasy as a genre and a concept. Video games for me differs in this way from architecture as there is more creative freedom in what can be designed without being restricted to real-life legislation. I enjoy concept art, having the ability to creatively express artwork in a way that either tailors to a particular 'brand' or being able to push initial ideas further into the realm of fantasy/fiction. I would like to be an Art Director and manage an artist's team following my vision alongside game designers and developers. An example of an artist I admire can be seen below: 

Still Waiting.jpg
Still Waiting by Yuumei (https://www.yuumeiart.com/)

What is your initial idea for your MA study?

I am studying MA Games Design as I want to push my artistic skills further and create games which bring enjoyment, pleasure and awe. I felt that my abilities were being restricted by architecture as current styles were not to my taste and the design process within architecture was not appealing to me. I would like to become a concept artist and be a part of the initial design process that goes into creating a game by creating character and environmental designs. By doing this course I hope to develop an artistic style that is dynamic, appealing and improves a game's design, and have a deeper understanding of what makes a game great and how I can have a meaningful contribution. 

What things are you going to look at?

As we all know, video games are tailored to appeal to a western audience and are predominant in the West (namely Europe and USA). I hope to look at in further detail how to redefine fantasy within the western world and move away from the current eurocentric view of fantasy that we have. Although most of high fantasy can be credited to JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings Trilogy which has had a huge impact on how we view fantasy e.g. Dungeons & Dragons, I would like to explore other realms of fantasy that is not largely present in gaming. My current interest is in South Asian fantasy and I am excited to see how I can bring it to the forefront and create a guideline of South Asian artwork in the hopes of more South Asian-inspired games being developed in the West.  


  1. Just a suggestion, check out WoW: Mists of Pandaria if you've not seen or heard of it. From what I read of yours, they aimed to achieve the same in their expansion and took a step away from western fantasy in all their visual designs.


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