Post Semester 2

Since my semester 2 submission I have been focused on personal development and managed to do a commission for the British Council Arts which tied in nicely with my MA research. The commission was to create 2 A4 pages for a Cultural Heritage Activity Pack for British South Asians aged 11-25. As we are currently in a lockdown, the aim of the Cultural Heritage project was to give young South Asians a series of activities to do at home which connected them with their own heritage. My proposed idea which was accepted was to create 2 'concept your own video game character' pages which drew upon South Asian influences. I introduced the topic of underrepresentation of minority cultures, created characters briefs and pose templates for people to design from and on to. For inspiration/reference, I concepted my own South Asian characters from my character briefs as line art so they could also be a 'colour in' activity. My aim was to encourage young South Asians and engage with...