Jewellery mage development

After developing the designs for the embroidery fighters, I went back to jewellery to try to finalise the mage look. I felt that out of all my designs, this was the most developed so I found it fairly straightforward to concept a 'final' design. In the end I made a few changes which I felt suited the character more. Tasking my advice from the previous post, I tried to formulate a more specific brief for myself so that my character design decisions would be more informed. My brief was: - source of magic power comes from the metal forged into jewellery - magic is heat/electricity (as metal conducts these) - different jewellery pieces produce different forms of heat magic - no embroidery on clothing as rival(?) group uses that as magic source - forces clothing to be simplified, could consider digital prints (juxtaposed with embroidery group who avoid jewellery and wear embroidered clothing) - jewellery group (still needs a name) in society push for technological advances ...