
Showing posts from January, 2020

Start of semester 2 & developing concept style

After my semester 1 submission and verbal feedback from tutors, I realised that I spent a lot of time on research and theory in semester 1 and little on actual practical work. Therefore to improve upon last semester's work I will make sure to draw a lot more and start to incorporate my ideas through my own artwork. At the same time, I hope to develop a coherent style for concepting and move away from illustration as a starting point.  Since my submission 20 days ago I have been drawing what interests me. After showing Jim what I had been drawing, we agreed that I should practice drawing this character in different art styles to improve my skills. The character I decided to draw is Edelgard from Fire Emblem: Three Houses . She has 2 outfits within the whole game (student outfit - pre-time skip and empress outfit - post-time skip) and I chose to draw her post-time skip empress design where she is now the ruler of her kingdom. Her character appears in the game as so:  The...

Semester 1 Summary

Reaching the end of semester 1 I decided to create a summary post of what I've been up to since September 2019, which includes both what I've already blogged about and new content since my last post a month ago. I thought this would be a good idea as I could use this post to include additional content/info which I unintentionally omitted in previous posts. At the beginning I proposed my initial ideas for this semester/year, which was to focus on developing South Asian fantasy content in video games as there is a huge gap of content in this area. This is/was a deeply personal goal as it relates directly to myself and my experiences with media representation. I grew up playing video games and living as an ethnic minority in the UK meant that I quickly adapted to the fact that I wouldn't see many people like myself in video games (and other media). Any representation that was present (no matter how butchered/ negatively stereotyped it may have been), I was told to be grate...